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Nature @ its best

Te Waiti Track


Level:  Moderate to advanced - 13km return


Starting at Bushaven, this benched track follows the Te Waiti stream up the pristine Te Waiti valley to the Te Waiti Hut and beyond. A good swimming hole can be found at the stream crossing just before the hut, great for a dip on those hot summer days.


95% Rideable. A great track for both walkers and mountain-bikers, mostly of gentle gradient.


Secure parking (at own risk) is available at Bushaven @ $10 per day, or part thereof for non guests.


The track includes both lowland forests of mainly rimu and tawa, and upland beech, pockets of nikau palms are interspersed throughout with a large colony around half way up the track.


The valley contains a wide variety of threatened birds such as whio or blue duck, weka, New Zealand falcon, and North Island brown kiwi. Other special fauna include the Hochstetter's frog, native fish and bats.

Please ask at Bushaven for directions to a huge Kahikatea (NZ's tallest tree) which is just off the track.


The track has a mainly easy gradient for mountainbikers. There is one stream crossing 15 minutes before the hut. There are some very narrow sections with steep drop-offs. This route offers fantastic views of the river from lush semi-coastal forest.


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                  Te Waiti Track


Duly rested, the next day we headed back up towards the start of the Pakihi, then veered right into the Te Waiti Valley. Listed in Dave Mitchell's book, this is another benched trail, in places even narrower than the Pakihi (which we hadn't thought possible!). As it's not a designated bike trail, DOC haven't fully bridged it but we only had to dismount a couple of times. If the bush on the Pakihi had impressed us, this time we were gobsmacked. Neither words nor photos can do it justice - you have to go there.

Returning to the car, we observed a number of people undergoing baptisms just upriver. We weren't too happy about having to clean our bikes in their washed-away sins; but what can you do..?

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© 2015 by Bushaven Te Waiti Stream Road, Urutawa Reserve, Opotiki 3197.

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